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Tracy Wright Dunivan is not your typical acting coach. She takes you under her wing and mentors you so that you can transition to the next level of acting. Even though I was very young, she helped me mature into the actress I am today. She was my personal coach and prepared me for all of my talent and acting competitions. To this day, I give Ms. Tracy all of the credit for getting me started and giving me the confidence to pursue my dreams as a serious actress.


Mariah P - Los Angeles, CA

Studying with Ms. Tracy taught me to think about the way I present myself to others. When dealing with people in any situation in life, I now better understand how to interpret their statements and effectively communicate with them. Over the past couple of years, I have transitioned from being a kid who was in plays for fun, to an adult who still sees acting as a source of joy, but also sees acting and the entertainment industry as a business. Ms. Tracy guided me through this potentially disheartening mind-shift, and with her positive attitude and experienced knowledge, she encouraged me to stay motivated and self confident. Tracy has truly been a huge source of inspiration and I thank her for everything.


Patrick F – New York, NY

Because of acting, I’ve learned to be quieter - in the sense of not talking and learning to listen, assess, and interpret other people's actions and personalities. It has made me more aware of who I am as well and I strive to reach satisfaction in challenging situations pertinent to acting and otherwise. I have met many wonderful actors through ShoKidz. They are great friends of mine and I believe those attracted to ShoKidz and Ms.Tracy are very supportive of each other and selfless. Working with Tracy was life changing. She is a very supportive mentor and teacher and I know we all appreciated how blunt she was as opposed to being “fake” and just telling us what we wanted to hear. She is someone you can always count on. I know I could call her any day if I needed anything and there would be no hesitation. Tracy is a wonderful teacher, mentor, and person and anyone who gets a chance to work with her is unbelievably lucky.


Jinhee J – Los Angeles, CA

Studying acting with Ms. Tracy was infinitely beneficial to my life. Even though I did not pursue acting as a profession, I learned invaluable skills and gained insights about myself while with ShoKidz. I learned to overcome my insecurities and fear of judgment from others because acting allowed an opportunity for self-expression and a freedom that I'd never known before. Ms. Tracy cultivated an environment of experimentation and acceptance that enabled me to explore parts of myself during a key development phase in life. I started out at ShoKidz as a shy, inhibited little girl who could barely raise her voice above a whisper for fear of being criticized, to becoming a young woman with confidence and vivaciousness on the stage and in my personal life. The personal growth I experienced while studying acting with Ms. Tracy has helped me develop into the person I am today, who is full of self-confidence and understands that I possess the ability to tackle any obstacle to attain my dreams.


I can hardly put into words what Ms. Tracy means to me and how she has affected my life. Without a doubt, she is a phenomenal acting coach, with years of knowledge and vast experience that is incredibly valuable to anybody wanting to pursue a career in the entertainment industry. As a person, she possesses wisdom and strength beyond measure. Even when she has experienced a personal challenge she seems to maintain an attitude that is always glowingly optimistic and joyous. Assuredly, she offers herself as a mentor to any student she instructs or manages, offering a wealth of practical understanding and useful insight in the field of acting and also in life. But for me, Ms. Tracy was above all my personal advocate. She believed in me when I didn't even know how to believe in myself. She pushed me to the highest level of performance when I didn't believe myself capable of digging any deeper. She challenged me to be better, as an actor and as a person. She listened to my troubles and uplifted me, she encouraged me and emboldened me. She was like friend and like a parent - a constant source for instruction and good judgment - but also a wellspring of understanding and compassion. She was my own personal champion.


Katherine R – World Traveler

Acting is not just for the screen or the stage…it’s for life. Studying acting teaches you to listen and focus on what the other person is truly saying. Through acting you learn that if people would turn off their minds while the other person is talking and absorb that person’s words and emotions we would wholly understand the power and “medicine” for human interaction. What you learn in class is just the seed. A true actor is always growing. From working with Tracy I now have a paper trail of situations that have led me to where I am today. After taking classes with her and as her management client, for many years, I have built relationships with industry professionals in Austin and Hollywood. After traveling to LA for four years (with Tracy) I learned a lot and how the industry is constantly changing. With Tracy it is all about (even more) training and auditioning with agents. Tracy does a great job with scouting out top teachers as well as targeting specific agencies. Tracy is excellent at allowing people to realize their passion in the entertainment industry. She has seen all sides of it and has discovered many talented people. When working with Tracy it’s a collaborative effort. She is empathetic to her clients’ needs, which allows her to develop them in the beginning (and many) stages of their careers.


James L  – Los Angeles, CA

Like all performing art forms, acting is something that requires every part of a person—heart, mind and soul—so whether it is a profession you are pursuing, or part-time passion, it will greatly impact your creativity and confidence. I wanted to do it right so I sought the best coach I could find and I got even more than I dreamed. I can't describe how much love and talent surrounds and is within Ms. Tracy. Everyone who works with her has left an impression on me. I learned fast that the best way to learn is by watching others. Going to L.A. with Tracy immediately made me realize that pursuing an acting career in Los Angeles is my dream. It also gave me a hands-on perspective of how to go about everything from finding a place to live to seeking an agent and incredible acting coaches. From day one, Ms. Tracy has taken me under her wing and adopted a motherly, loving, patient role in my life—sometimes even if it means telling me what I don't want to hear. She has a brilliant way of teaching that does not come off condescending, and was the first coach to bring my talent to the surface :) I can say I truly love her with all my heart.


Jessica A – Hollywood, CA

Surprisingly enough, to all who know me today, I was an extremely introverted and somewhat surly child, but after starting my studies of acting with ShoKidz at age eight, I blossomed uncontrollably. My social skills excelled and I got more friends, learned how to express myself in constructive and creative ways, and advanced in my abilities as a performer. ShoKidz set the path to the rest of my life. I graduated from The High School of Performing and Visual Arts (HSPVA) in Houston and was accepted to the prestigious New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts where I am one of only a few, select new students. This couldn't have happened without Tracy's guidance, recommendation and faith in me. I may be in the Big Apple, but it all began with ShoKidz. The people I met while I was with ShoKidz are the kind of people you never forget and continue to be a part of you. Just knowing there are people that great in the world made me look for those wonderful qualities in others. This was doubled every time I went with ShoKidz to LA. The people I went to LA with became my very good friends. This offered me a readily available support system. With them I never felt alone or overwhelmed; there was always a warm feeling, like that of home and family, even though my family was far away. I always want to go back! I can't talk about ShoKidz without bragging about Tracy Dunivan. She has been my teacher, mentor and “Other Mother” since I began working with her and continues to be that! She taught me everything I needed to know and as long as I was willing to learn and be taught she helped me grow as an actor and human being. She's one of the kindest people I've met and I owe so much to her that I don't even know how to pay her back or express my gratitude. There’s too much to say. If I were to go back and be able to pick any teacher in the world, I would still choose her. She's a gift and you can't help but love her.


Kinsey  B – New York, NY

The study and practice of acting positively affected my life by helping me to be more open to other people. It has also helped grow my creativity. My relationship with actors from ShoKidz has affected me tremendously. They have helped, and stood by my side since I was a little girl. Tracy, as a person, WOW!!! She is amazing! She was and is always like a mother to me. She is beautiful! As a mentor and teacher, my parents trust her to take me to L.A. and that means a lot, they don't just trust anybody! Getting to know her as both my acting coach and friend has been awesome! I am so glad that I have her in my life! Ms. Tracy is the best! I love her!


Celeste H – Spring, TX

Being in Mrs. Tracy's acting class was one of the greatest things I could have done. Applying the skills that she has taught me and the creativity that she inspired in me to other aspects in my life has taken me from a shy little child, to an outgoing person with an eagerness to take on the challenges of work and school. Having been to L.A with Tracy (twice) I would have to say it is one of the best things a young actor could do. While there, Tracy introduced to me to many influential people and many acting coaches that pushed me to be my best and furthered my skills both as an actor and as a person. In other words, they reinforced her teachings of how to be myself and how to properly express myself, and to understand the feelings of others. So, even if you don't go into the field of acting, know this, the things you will learn from your time with Tracy will stay with you for a lifetime. She has been like a second mom to me and I am eternally grateful for the experiences and the life lessons she has seen me through. (And they are many!) LOVE YOU TRACY!!!


Stephen H – Spring, TX

Acting has helped me get to know myself and understand human behavior and interaction. It has helped me learn how important it is to consider the other person's perspective when approaching an issue or debate. Also, it has helped me realize how much I enjoy working with people in general. Meeting other actors (through ShoKidz), has allowed me to see different situations of different people and not just those that are at school. Because many schools have a majority of one demographic, I wasn't able to really expand my horizons socially or intellectually; however, working with the unique group within ShoKidz helped me understand different people and even different cultures. By going to L.A. (on several occasions), I got to experience what life was like away from my family. I can say that this helped me prepare for the college experience. I was prepared to live with anyone from almost any walk of life. And learned at an early age, how to take care of myself and to solve my own problems without my parents assistance. Working with Tracy has been a very eye-opening experience. I learned, with her guidance and support, how to explore the things I was interested in. She made me look at the bigger picture. Because of this I wanted to know more about the world around me. She also taught me to not be afraid of a lot of the problems I was facing and showed me healthy ways of dealing with them…a priceless gift!


Sandra K – Austin, TX

On a personal level acting was both fun and challenging. Most importantly, acting helped me build self-confidence. Confidence is king; whether I am in an interview, delivering a presentation, making a sales call, or simply meeting a total stranger for the first time; possessing the ability to calm your nerves and transform them into enthusiasm will grant you an amazing advantage in an untold number of situations. Studying under Tracy was an awakening. While I had lived in two very distinctive neighborhoods in the past, both with people from very different walks of life, Tracy’s classes brought kids from all walks of life to one stage. While in Tracy’s classes, I was rarely engaging with someone much like myself. This is an important dynamic that Tracy’s classes provide. While you will typically play a character who looks like you, you will rarely take on the role of a character who IS like you, and being in contact with people different from yourself will offer you a fresh perspective when analyzing a script or when attempting to understand an individual in your daily life. The L.A. experience is paramount for any young actor who is serious about wanting to make it in the business, and that is exactly what the experience will teach you. That acting is a BUSINESS. I would not recommend the experience for the actors who are simply participating in drama for the fun of it, but if you are bound and determined to make in the industry, Tracy’s trip to Los Angeles is an experience that you will never forget. You will meet top coaches, agents, and casting directors. You will participate in real live auditions for major productions, and if you are lucky (as I was) act in a film, go on set and get on national T.V. It’s a glimpse of life as a Hollywood actor.Tracy Dunivan…. I have known her for 10 years. I took lessons from her from 2000 to 2005. Tracy is a great coach and manager. As a coach, Tracy taught me everything that I needed to know in order to walk into an interview, audition and be successful. She has the experience, tools and credibility to enhance any actor’s career.More than just an amazing coach, Tracy is an unbelievable person. While she is my former coach and manager, I think of Tracy as a relative. She is warm, caring, and would never take a dime she didn’t earn. Tolerance, honesty and kindness are her creed and classroom prerequisites. She is an excellent listener and will offer advice to any who seek it. As varied as they come, Tracy loves all her students and will do her very best to help them succeed on stage, in front of the camera and in their daily lives.


Joshua P – Austin, TX

Acting is the foundation that reinforces my life as a college professor every day. I am no longer that shy African girl with a thick accent, struggling to express myself. Thanks to my acting and dialect lessons, I now have the confidence and self-esteem to succeed in my endeavors. Through acting, I've made life-long friends that impact me in a positive manner every day. The realistic experience of being in L.A. helped me evaluate (and define) my true goals in life. Over the many years, I have come to realize that Tracy and I have long moved out of the phase of "working" and more into a mutual celebration of our passion and love for acting and the world of arts in general. As a person, she has befriended me; as a mentor, she has inspired me; and a teacher, she has overflowed me.


Sandi J – Houston, TX

I used to be SUPER shy to the extreme.  Acting helped me break out of my shell and taught me not to be scared to talk to people! Now I'm a Corporate Communication graduate and every day I deal with talking to new people whether it's on the phone or in person. The nerves that I used to get are totally gone and instead I get excited to meet new people. Acting teaches you to take risks and not be afraid to be bold. Acting teaches you that when you want something you can't just sit have to be proactive and not passive.


It's amazing to make friends with people that love to do the same thing you do. I have plenty of friends from high school or college that know nothing about acting or the industry. I can't share experiences with them from classes or sets or drag them with me to mixers. I took Mama T's =) class with my best friend Michelle. We have stayed best friends since. She's my support and motivator. Whenever I've had a hard day or want to quit, she's always there pushing me and vice versa. James and Jacob are 2 other really good guys whom I met through Tracy. Even though they both moved to L.A., we still make it a point to talk.  On days where I want to quit - those boys just tell me (lovingly) I'm being “ stupid” and continue to push me to keep going!

I don't think I would know what I know about the business if I didn't go to L.A. with Tracy. When I first began acting, I thought of it as an expressive art, never did I think there was a business that went with it!! Boy was I wrong. The whole month or so in L.A. is a huge learning process, a true test; but, at the same time you get to grow as an actor in both the creative and business aspects.

Oh, Tracy! What can I say :) She’s just a wonderful person throughout. She's truly genuine and cares, but will tell you the truth (which is what you need in this industry!). I loved working with her because she wasn't just some scary acting teacher (like ones I had in school), she made class fun - and she always had a good story to tell you! It was super easy to call her up and she was always there to listen. Everything she tells you comes straight from the heart. Tracy becomes more than a teacher when you take her class. She's a mentor, a friend - pretty much becomes family!!  She's supportive always pushing you to grow. I know I wouldn't be where I am and the kind of person I am without her. She taught me so much about acting and about the real world. To this day, sometimes her voice pops into my head about some advice she's given me (yesss, it's scary :) I think I can go on and on listing adjectives, but working with Tracy has had such an impact on me. It's had an effect on shaping me to be the person, actor and producer I am today. It's taught me so many life lessons and how to be strong (especially during rejection!). It's shown me that you can have this support team who love you and want to see you do your best. I really don't think I would still be pursuing my dream, and taking risks but also playing it smart if it wasn't for Ms. T! I know no matter where I decide to go next, I can always call Tracy up for advice or just to have a good laugh. I LOVE YOU Tracy!


Shayla B - Austin, TX

Parent Testimonials

My daughter and I met Tracy in 1993. It can easily be said that Tracy was more than instrumental in getting Renee started in the industry. It was soon after our meeting Tracy, that she mentioned her work with young children in the field of acting and her desire and interest in Renee. With her guidance, training and industry connections, Tracy took us through the steps necessary to get head shots, find an agent, learn to slate, and how to conduct one’s self in an audition. It was mainly due to Tracy’s true concern for Renee’s best interest that I felt I could put my child in her hands. With her patience, professionalism, knowledge and love for my daughter, to be the best she could be, Renee has been very fortunate to be a working actress for many years. Our relationship has grown from coaching/mentor into a wonderful and caring friendship. Tracy’s work experience, first-hand knowledge of the business, and industry connections make her one of the best coaching/advisors available to young actors. Not only is she knowledgeable but she is caring, and sensible to the needs and emotions of the child. I would never hesitate to recommend Tracy to anyone, friend or stranger. I know they would receive top notch training and great opportunities.


Rebecca Olstead - Los Angeles, CA & Kingwood, TX

Our son, Matthew, is in the 6th grade this year and has chosen to study theater as a result of his acting training. Michael, one who grew greatly from acting, is very imaginative and wants to write stories and movies. As a result of Tracy's coaching Michael won 4 awards in an acting competition in Los Angeles in January 2009. Michael received several call-backs from agencies that Tracy fielded. Although we were unable to re-locate to Los Angeles, the experience was wonderfully positive. Tracy has a great personality and she connects with the children very well. As a teacher she asks the children provoking questions to encourage their imaginations. She is so much more than just an instructor; I would consider her to be a trusted friend.


Mike and Stephanie Mitzner – Clear Lake, TX

My 2 daughters have been under Tracy's tutelage for 8 years. During this time with her they have had several opportunities to grow and expand the scope of their talent as a direct result of her teaching and guidance. They enjoy wonderful local film and performance opportunities through ShoKidz. In addition, they have trained with some of the top coaches in L.A. and were represented by a prestigious agency during their stays on the west coast. Most important though, is the development and nurturing they receive in the classes with Tracy. It is in those classes that they discovered their life's passion. My oldest daughter is currently a senior at HSPVA in the theater department. Tracy coached, accompanied and guided her through the audition process (which is grueling). I had no doubt, with that level of training, her own wonderful talent and Tracy’s love and support, that she would be accepted. After graduation, she is set to move to L.A. to pursue a career in acting and singing. She already has a wonderful group of ShoKidz waiting to assist and encourage her once she arrives. My younger daughter is in HISD's middle school magnet program for theater and plans to audition for HSPVA as well. I have full faith she too will be as successful if she follows Tracy’s instructions and lead. Tracy has been as instrumental, if not more, than any family member in affirming my girls as artists. She is guiding them (with my wishes and rules) carefully toward their destinies – both as performers and as productive individuals. This kind of support is invaluable to any child no matter what they choose to pursue later in life. Tracy is much more than a coach or teacher or even a mentor. To my girls (and me) she is family. She treats her students with the same love, guidance, consideration and respect that she has used to raise her own children and, if you have ever met her sons, you would know - that is priceless.


Rachell Holman-Britton – Houston, TX

I believe that ShoKidz was a wonderful opportunity for my daughter. She felt passionate about acting, and Tracy helped her with this drive. Although, my daughter did not pursue a professional acting career, I have said many times that the confidence she gained through acting in front of people is priceless. She is venturing into the business world and will be well prepared for this venue.Although, I cannot speak to this directly, I am certain that working with other actors enriched her life. Actors are individuals, just like other people, and working with these different personalities was beneficial to my daughter in many ways.I know my daughter was so privileged to have the opportunity to travel with Miss Tracy to L.A. Again, although she has not pursued a professional career in acting, she gained immeasurable skills and experiences while in L.A. I will be repeating myself, but the experience brought my daughter a higher level of self-assurance.Tracy is a thoughtful, caring, instructive, loving, lively, lady. She is very professional and well-informed about the acting industry. She is an excellent listener and kind advisor. Tracy is and will always be a great friend!


Lisa Roll – Cypress, TX

Before he began studying acting my son was a very shy, reserved child, especially in new situations. Through his acting he has become a very confident, self-assured young man. When he was still in elementary school and I would go to hear him and his classmates give presentations on assignments like science fair projects, I could always tell which of the students were involved with acting/theatre as they were far more confident in speaking before an audience. In fact he has so much confidence that he chose to move to New York City on his own to attend a large university. Tracy is a very dedicated and professional coach. She is extremely adept at customizing her approach with each student to meet their needs. She just has a very uncanny ability to figure out what technique works best with each of them. But she is more than just a coach, she is a cheerleader, a confidant, a taskmaster, and a good friend for all of her students. She has also become a loyal, dear friend to me!


Susan Wilson – Kingwood, TX

I have known Tracy Wright Dunivan for over 37 years. I have the unique experience of being a first generation student of hers, while my daughter, Alexa is now a second generation student. Over the years she has been an incredible friend, teacher of dance, twirling, acting, and modeling. Tracy has no doubt greatly assisted in molding me into the successful teen and young adult I was and the person I am today.Tracy is someone I think of as part of my family. Alexa is only 10 years old but by taking acting lessons from Tracy she has learned how to channel her energy into a positive spirit and a thirst for life and happiness! She continues taking acting lessons from Tracy, and is saving her money for her first and long-awaited trip to Los Angeles! I now live in Montgomery, but driving to Tracy for acting classes is truly worth every second. It should be thought of as an honor to be able to take any kind of lesson from her. Acting is only one of Tracy's many skills and I look forward to her continued mentoring (for Alexa and me!) for the rest of our lives.


Mary K. Hinojosa – Montgomery, TX

Tracy has been a huge part of our lives for over 10 years. All three of our kids have been instructed, cared for and mentored by Tracy. The three of them refer to her as their second mother. She has been a positive and incredible influence in each of our lives. She is one of our best friends too!Our boys began acting in the stage of pre-adolescence while our daughter was in pre-school. It was a means of true, deep expression for them. I can’t imagine what they or we would have done without this (growth) tool. My husband and I witnessed (amazing) transformation in each of them; building their confidence and developing their creativity thus allowing them to blossom into the wonderful leaders they are today.Both of our boys went with Tracy to L.A. on more than one occasion. We would do it again and again. Our hope is that our daughter has that same opportunity! It is such a great experience that we recommend it for any (qualified and chosen) child working with Tracy. There are very few people that we would trust to take our kids anywhere, much less across the country. Tracy is one of them!


Jim and Diana Heck – Spring, TX

Student Testimonials

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